Yes, the time is NOW. In the extremely competitive landscape we are in today, it is of paramount importance to upskill your teams to ensure your company and products/ services stand out and your clients pay you the price premium you deserve.
We realise that meeting client expectations on cost productivity while balancing shareholder demands on profitability is a humongous challenge. You may have the best of products or services but it still may not be easy to convince your customers to pay the premium you expect. Building Top-notch talent across sales and support functions, who would be able to exceed client expectations and at the same time protect the organization's margins is therefore a must for your success. Delivering on your revenues and margins is exactly what we at TalenTransformers help you achieve.
For a start, let's talk about the Sales Team. Selling is arguably the most important activity to generate revenues and profits for any organization and is a tough job. It is a science that needs to be understood and mastered, and an art that needs to be practiced and perfected. What may have worked before may not guarantee success today given the significant changes in competition, client and talent landscape.
Often times, your sales team is stuck in the past glory and a "been there done that" syndrome thus slowly slipping into what we term as unconscious incompetence.
As the graph above suggests, on the first day of our PSS Transformation module, we help your team to realise the need to change their approach or reach conscious incompetence.
Through the interactive workshop and role-plays, they learn new skills to effectively handle different sales situations with a powerful framework to reach the stage of conscious competence at the end of the workshop.
And finally, we ensure they consistently practice their new learnings rigorously in real customer meetings in a disciplined manner to attain unconscious competence.
The same stages apply to the team's presentation skills or the way they portray themselves (brand-you) or the way support functions align themselves with organization's superordinate goals (the PSF approach) or the way your leaders lead their teams.
Often this means you need to transform your talent.
There is so much we can help your business with - from creating a spectacular sales team to getting your support functions to peak perform, from getting your managers lead their teams effectively to solving your complex business problems through active consultation. Read on for knowing more about us...
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